Personal Experience

  1. Overall, my experience at the museum was very interesting, chaotic, stressful, but a little fun.

  2. My group and I were not really prepared and did not manage our time correctly. Therefore, we were rushing before and during our presentation time for our final product and also how we would present it.

  3. It was really fun though walking around to see other people’s projects from APCSP and APCSA. The projects were really impressive and some were also simple but well worked out.

  4. I was able to see a lot of APCSA projects and meet new people. It was cool talking about the classes with them and the differences between our courses. They were able to help me with some things in my project and explain other things more elaborately and in a way I understand. It was really interesting hearing things from new perspectives of other students.

Parent and Families

  1. I think a lot of families enjoy the Night at the Museum experience. It is a way for parents to be involved in their children’s education, understand what work they are expected to do, and just connect with them and be proud of their accomplishments.

  2. From what I saw, a lot of the parents were very impressed with the variety of projects from APCSP and APCSA classes.

Looking at Other Projects

  1. A digital clock that counted seconds as well. It just displayed the time with the hour.minutes.seconds and it constantly was changing. It was a really simple project but it was well thought out and easy to use. They used html and CSS for the frontend, having the whole background black and the numbers in the clock were white.

  2. A group from the other teacher’s class was a website of stocks from Google, Amazon, Tesla, and Gamestop. They were able to display different stocks, its graph trends, and other statistics. In the website they were able to have different machines that loaded different stocks. I did not ask about their API though. They even added information about themselves at the bottom, and had a fake company cell phone number and email for users to contact.

  3. Another project was the snake game with a Frequently Asked Questions page as their API. They built their own API in their backend and pulled it into the frontend. They connected their flask server and FastPages server. It was really fun playing this game and understanding a little bit of how it was built and how the data shows up.

  4. One group had their project that connected to Spotify and a Spotify API. It was able to generate a given album and then list the songs within that album. In their backend they used Python to generate the API and for other functions. For their frontend they made many buttons in HTML and customized the colors, sizes, fonts, and shapes.

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