1.1 Collaboration
Importance of Collaboration
Benefits of collaborating with your peers:
- computing innovation which reflects diverse talents and perspectives
- helps find errors
- improve on codes and ideas
- you can adapt many skills
- communication
- consensus building
- conflict resolution/teamwork
- negotiation
Effective Collaboration in APCSP
Pair programming: working together, one writes the code, the other observes each line of code being written
- helps find errors/typos
- switch back and forth to experience both positions
- everybody makes mistakes!
Think, Pair, Share: students think by themselves, discuss with a partner, and then share the results to the whole class
- when thinking about a problem alone, you do not have other ideas from partners to keep away from your bias perspective
Leave Comments in Code
- communicate to your partner and yourself
- remember where you left off to not be totally lost
- reference where you got your codes from others
- differentiate what you and your partner contributed
- clarify how your code functions
Use online tools
- repl.it- multiplayer coding together
- git.hub- repository (put all projects together) and collaborations (people can view and comment)
- shared document/folder- easily share code
Ask your parents/friends to test drive your program and give feedback