AppLab Quiz Info
Program Design Hacks
AppLab Quiz Findings
Hacks: Program Design with App Lab by, blog outline and results
My AppLab Quiz
Quiz Outline/Plan
- The quiz will be about information of Del Norte High School
- In the beginning it will be logging into an iPhone
- Next you will open some sort of app into the quiz
- Then the quiz will begin, going through 3 questions
- After the questions are up, it will calculate the end score. I think i might want to w=find a way to calculate the score on the fly or as the quiz is being taken.
- Also when the person gets the answer wrong, they will be told the answer was wrong and either be redirected to a page or just told incorrect.
- Blog your “design”, “successes”, discoveries, challenges. For “design”, and “successes” try to blog according to Create Performance Task skills and rubric.
- Program Purpose and Function: The way I designed this quiz was with 3 questions, as stated in the requirements, but each question will be answered in a different way. One is a button to choose your answer, one was a dropdown to select an answer, and the last was a checkbox to choose the answer. In the start it was a challenge to actually set, define, and declare different variables. It was a little challenging to understand each control block and what it did, but after playing around with it, I understood it very well. I even added a part in the beginning
- Data Abstraction: In this quiz, I did not store data in the list. I still am having a little bit of trouble utilizing lists and storing data in them within my projects and codes.
- Managing Complexity: As said before, I did not use a list in this quiz but if I were to use a list within the quiz I would probably have the questions in a list with: the type of answer (dropdown, button, checkbox), the actual text of the question, and the choices.
- Procedural Abstraction: I was able to find repetition in my code, and set a variable to replace all of that repetition. I made a variable that has a function that calculated the score of the person’s quiz as they were taking it, which was in every screen from question 1 till the end, so it was a lot of repeating that code. I replaced the whole code every time it was repeated with the variable name “score.”
- Algorithm Implementation: I do not have any loops in my quiz but if I were to have a loop I would probably have an input in the beginning with questions that ask some information about who is taking the quiz, which would be added to a record in my list. And then at the end I would have the loop print the information about the person who took it and their results. It would add on for ever single person who takes the quiz.
- Testing: Using the blocks and also typing in the code I was able to debug or find many errors in my code and then fix it. I had errors of missing semicolons, extra parentheses or other things. Now I am able to explain what my code with output.
If you finish your quiz early, try coming up with a different concept or idea for an app you think could work within App Lab. Remember to make a plan before you start any coding.