
  • Personally I feel like I did not work up to my potential and did not put in my best effort. I could have done a much better job, actually completing each aspect of my feature and then the extra feature for the account creation and login. This trimester I did not put as much work into this class as I should have and it is reflected in my final grade and project.
  • As being the Scrum Master, I did not reach expectations and was not fitting in the role and my responsibilities. I needed to be more of a leader, more firm, more communicative, and more motivating. I should have kept us on track more through communication and using our Scrum Board and issues.

Group Reflection

  • Our group had a hard time keeping up with our own tasks and prioritized that over our project. Therefore, we just never had our effort, motivation, or organization to do this project. We started falling behind and it kinda had a snowball affect so the problems and procrastinated work only piled up more and more.
  • If we were more serious about the project I truly believe we could have made it by the deadline, and that the project would be complete and visually appealing. We just really lacked the motivation to focus on this project and we always pushed it aside. Even though we had countless meetings over break, after school, or on the weekend mornings, we still focused on the tasks that we were falling behind on rather than our actual project.
  • I could tell that most of us were pretty disappointed with how the final product has turned out. We are going to use the break time to finish our features and make our parts come together to create the project that we planned to.

Review of other Projects

Girl playing game

  • This project had a memory game on it. There were images and icons that were flipped over on click and would turn back around of you did not find its match/pair. It looked really well-organized and fully functional. It was cool to see that some groups were really on it and put in hard work to create a great product. Lydia and Alexa
  • This project was called “Fitness for Baddies” and basically it was made to help motivate users, inform users why working out was important, and keep track of personal workouts. It even provided workouts for a specific sport/activity. They ahd examples of cheer workouts and climbing workouts. It seemed well organized, neat, and pretty functional. Account Creation
  • This was TripleAJ’s creating account feature on their project. I made an account and they showed me how my profile data was actually added onto the api by having their flask link/api. It was good to see that this group was able to achieve the criteria of user input, adding onto a list, and get/fetch and posting new data. Josh
  • This was a photo of my score where I was playing one of their arcade games. This game was called “Hi-Lo”, so basically the user has to guess the number by inputting that number and based on the answer the user gives, the computer displays an arrow pointing up meaning the number is higher or an arrow pointing down meaning the number is lower. I was able to guess the number in like 4 or 5 tries. It was actually pretty fun and they had a few more games as well which was pretty cool. Khalid group
  • This group helped users find a car to use. It could be rent or buy, and the car could be used or new. It took in user input to figure out what type of car fits best for them, based on the requirements they set and other things they want. It informed about pricing and gas/mileage which was smart to include.

Final Thoughts/Conclusions

  • Talking to the other students in other periods and classes was refreshing. I was able to relate with them about the challenges of this class and I was able to share some struggles. Some of them were able to help me out or give advice, and I was able to do the same. It reminded me that everyone learns at a different pace, has different perspectives, and is going through something that no one else knows.
  • I also was able to look at other classes like ceramics, photography and 3D Animation. The projects were really cool and different to what we were doing.
  • I think Night at the Museum was a great idea to share what students are doing and allowing parents to become informed and apart of that. I think it is really important that parents know the things their kids are doing and learning. A lot of parents were very impressed with the projects from AP Computer Science, Photography, 3D Animation, and more.