Lesson 3.3-3.4 Homework Grade

  • I received a 1/1 on the homework grading. I think I did a really good on note taking, I focused on writing about key vocabulary terms and including examples from in class. I made sure to write my notes in ways that I understood the topics. I completed all of the practice problems with explanations and demonstrated what I knew. I added comments within my practice code to make sure I understood what the code meant.
  • “You attempted all of the problems with good explanations for most which show that you understand the core concept. The notes and effort are great.”
  • What I learned: I learned how to break down code segments and analyzing different values in lists. I learned how to use concat, len(), and substring to evaluate strings. I also leaned how to analyze different parts of the code, through selection, realizing the sequence is all of the code steps, and that iteration is repeatedly going through a certain part of a code until it reaches the correct condition. I also learned arithmetic operations which just incorporates simple math into the code segments, like adding the length of different parts of words, and dividing it by another number.

Lesson 3.5 and 3.7 Homework Grade

  • I received a 1/1 on the homework grading. I made sure to incorporate key vocabulary, practice problems, and homework hacks. I made sure to check over what questions were wrong or hard, and I reviewed them.
  • “Completed all the necessary parts and went above and beyond with explanations”
  • +What I learned*: I learned about Booleans relating to and or, and how different true or false combinations. I also learned how to create dictionaries with Boolean values in it, and how to use if/else statements in the code, referencing to those dictionaries. It relates to while loops because it iterates until certain conditions are met. For example, True or False. Another thing I learned was to make a flowchart with pseudocode to explain the sequence of my codes and the way it iterates through it.

Lesson 3.8 and 3.10 Homework Grade

  • I received a 0.9/1 on the homework grading, meaning I met the expectations. It said that I did not do any of the extra hacks, but I did not see extra things on there. I reflected on the quiz, the questions I got wrong and my process of thinking. I also explained what I learned through the exercises
  • “Issues with notebook, probably due to images/misnamed notebooks. Good overall, nothing extra.”
  • What I learned: I learned how to structure conditional statements which connect to lists. I learned how to actually alter lists which depends on index, length, and the elements themselves. Some things were pop which would remove the last element in a list, append and extend would add on, and remove would remove a certain element in a list. I also learned how to sort lists in ascending or descending order which would work with integers (based on its numerical value) and also strings (based on the alphabet).

Lesson 3.9 and 3.11 Homework Grade

  • I received a .95/1 on the homework grading, so I passed the expectations through the effort, work, and descriptive answers. The effort in my homework was shown through explanations where I talked about what was challenging for me, my thought process, what I did wrong for my mistakes, and things I got right.
  • “Gave really descriptive answers which showed great understanding. Showed a lot of effort.”
  • What I learned: I learned that there are two different types of searches: binary searches and sequential searches. Binary searches are more efficient, and quicker, because they iterate through the lists with a better algorithm or a better process. Sequential searches are not ass efficient because they iterate through each element and compare it to the ones next to it. However for both, there must be in either ascending or descending order to work

Lesson 3.12 and 3.13 Homework Grade

  • I received a 0.9/1.0 meaning I met the expectations of the graders. This was because I did all that was required and submitted on time. My explanations were thorough and portrayed all of my effort and understanding. I did not get a 1 because I did not do amy of the extra hacks for this section.
  • “Completed all hacks and was on time no extra steps were done. Explanations were also provided”
  • What I learned: I learned how to create procedures, and that they need to have descriptive but simple titles. I learned that the parameters are very important in creating the procedures. It works like functions where the sequence of the code occurs, top to bottom. Also, that you can use for and while loops and iteration to shorten the code. For algorithms, there are many different algorithms to reach a certain solution. You can also use for and while loops and iteration to shorten algorithms as well.

Lesson 3.14 and 3.15 Homework Grade

  • I received a 0.89/1 on the homework grading, so I almost met the expectations. They said the reason I got 0.01 off is because they graded by correctness on the multiple choice section and I got one answer incorrect. Besides that, everything else was correct, I gave a lot of effort in the lesson. Also I had explanations within each question or short answer, and that showed my understanding of the lesson.
  • “Thorough notes and understanding of lesson. Everything correct except for 3rd multiple choice question”
  • What I learned: I learned what the random library was. You can import random which is built in the python, and you can use functions like random.choice, random.shuffle, random.randint, random.randrange and more. They function depending on the variables and data types you are using in your code. I learned that in using these you have to be careful with your parameters, the indicies/index, and the length of the lists. In the parameters you could have x = start, y = stop, z = step. Also randomization we use daily are like rolling die or dice, picking a card from a deck, and lottery.

Lesson 3.16 Homework Grade

  • I received a 0.9/1 on the homework grading, meeting expectations. This group graded some things based on correctness on the multiple choice homework hack section. I got two of those wrong so a score of 4/6. Besides that, I had very thorough explanations of each homework question and my understanding of it.
  • “4/6; Showed thorough understanding of this topic and planned out a nice simulation”
  • What I learned: I learned that simulations are useful for making predictions, and is a way to simulate real-world environments to test safety or logistics. This is why it differs from experiments, because experiments are usually easier to conduct and obtain the supplies necessary for it. So, simulations are safer, less expensive, and repeatable. You can create hypotheses and predictions in simulations. One good example are airplane simulations.

Lesson 3.17 and 3.18 Homework Grade

  • I received a 0.9/1 on the homework grading, meaning I met the expectations. I completed all of the hacks necessary but I did not attempt any of the extra hacks for extra credit. They also graded off of correctness for their multiple choice section.
  • “Made an attempt at all the required hacks and provided explanations for each question. There was nothing extra, so a 0.9/1 was adequate.”
  • What I Learned: I learned that math algorithms vary in their steps and functions, for example multiplying an integer would be a one step algorithm. These algorithms can be useful for time, measuring linear time, exponential time, or quadratic. I also learned that there are such things as undecidable problems. These are problems for which no algorithms can be built that can provide a correct yes or no answer or a solution. And decidable problems are where algorithms could be written to solve/produce a correct output for all inputs.